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Photo : 前澤秀登

Yo Nakamura


Yo Nakamura first entered into the world of contemporary dance through the modern dance club of Waseda University. In 2009, she started dancing in choreographies by Shuji Onodera and Ryohei Kondo, in addition to working as their assistant. Nakamura has performed in Onodera’s “Toritsukare Otoko,” Kondo’s duet “A Love Vacation” presented at Dance Triennale Tokyo 2012, and pieces by Ko Murobushi.

Since 2010, Nakamura has been choreographing her own repertoire. With a dancing body as her medium, she mobilizes all the elements of a performance, including music, words, narratives, props, and relationships, in order to create pieces that are warm and sharp at the same time. Nakamura has also developed a workshop program called “Pop Song Switches,” in which the participants are instructed to dance as characters from popular songs, and implements it in various parts of Japan.

In addition to working in the field of contemporary dance, she has provided stage direction and choreography for a theater production at New National Theater, Tokyo. Nakamura is also active in the media, having performed in TV commercials and Avril Lavigne’s music video “Hello Kitty.”

For 2014, she is invited to present at Sibiu International Theater Festival in Romania in June, National Theatre Wales’ residency program “Wales Lab” in August, and Tokyo / Soul Duo Dance Fes 2014 in November and December.


Nakamura is the winner of the NEXTREAM21 Dance Competition’s Jury Award, the First Session Best Award, and the Jury Prize and the Sibiu International Theater Festival Prize at Yokohama Dance Collection EX 2013.

早稲田大学モダンダンスクラブにてコンテンポラリーダンスを始める。2009年より小野寺修二、近藤良平、室伏鴻の振付作品に出演、アシスタントを務める。小野寺修二振付『音楽劇 トリツカレ男』、近藤良平とのデュオ『恋のバカンス』、室伏鴻振付『墓場で踊られる熱狂的なダンス』等に出演。


ルーマニア・シビウ国際演劇祭、イギリス ナショナル・シアター・ウェールズでのレジデンス、東アジア文化都市クロージングイベント式典(韓国光州・横浜)、六本木アートナイトDanceTruckProject、他にもベトナム・ハノイや韓国ソウルなどで公演し、国内外で活動している。









​・東京二期会オペラ劇場『ルル』(振付出演 2021)

ドイツ・マインフランケン劇場製作オペラ『NIXON IN CHINA』(演出:菅尾友 2018)

​・にゃんぞぬデシ"am:pm"(振付出演 2018)


・Czecho No Republic  “Dream Beach Sunset” MV振付​(2016)



・新国立劇場×ナショナルシアターウェールズ 演劇『効率学のススメ』(2013)






・アヴリル・ラヴィーン「Hello Kitty」MV(井手茂太振付)(2013)

・BeeTV dマーケット「映画はスマホで」エイベックスバージョンTVCM(2012)

・ヒロセ通商[LION FX]TVCM(振付稼業air man振付)(2012)


Photo : BOZZO

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